Tuesday, September 11, 2012

learning from birth

Babys whole lives revolve around learning so why wait to start teaching things until school. what if every day was a learning day not a special time set aside for "school stuff" not a boring crap workbook of age appropriate activity's like the oh so not the least bit enjoyable tracing the letter A 700 times by we make children hate their lives incorporated. yeah Workbooks have their place yes when he starts school we probably will have a set aside homework hour but introducing knowledge enjoyable makes it way more likely that kids will continue to enjoy it.

Point things out from the get go
at the start it may only be practice for mommy to get me in the habit or so I have something to keep me sane but you never know what he is picking up and the truth is I will need the practice. Instead of droneing through the isles of a store or the side of the road or anything else make it an adventure.

 things to point out
Whats it made of (chicken/cotten/plastic)
what is it (tree/sheet/plushie)
Whats it called (hot pocket/playdoh/duvet)
What color is it (red/grey/green)
What shape is it (round/square)
What does it have pictures of (Food/locations/animals)
 Whats it for (dinner/playtime/keeps us warm)
 Add in concepts
we are getting this becuse........
this one is cheaper.......
this one is bigger......
we want/need/enjoy/have to have

Ask questions
~especilly once they are talkers dont drill things make it a game~
can you find something red?
do you know what this is for?
what kind of animals do you see?

think outside the box 
~dont just practice factual things let them practice imagination thought process and planning (it might even end up being something worth trying)~
What would you make soup with? 
what chould make this better?
what chould you do with this?
 which do you prefer?

Advance the content
dont forget to add concepts as he starts grasping things look at the big red truck is only informative for so long. got the basics down move on to ideas and concepts add in prices and mathematics at the store let him make some of the shopping decisions.

Story time
Reading is huge to me and it is about so much more then teaching him words or concepts or anything else story time is a time for us to bond some of my best memorys are books and that something I really want to pass on to Connor so im doing it from the start.
Hello Library we will become good friends. hundreds of options for little ears and eyes years of materials and no wasted money. if its a crappy book we get another one if hes not interested we get another one if it becomes his passion I can go buy it and build A collection He actually enjoys. bed time stories day time story's read along time I honestly think I will be disappointed once he is a proficient reader Im looking forward to digesting some non digital material again. 

Sneaky mommie 
so far though my number one plan for teaching Connor things is not telling him Im teaching him things. I know you guys have seen learning games especially if your a Pintrest freak like me lately. 

So play them try them even if you dont think they will work 
do a color based scavenger hunt
make shape puzzles
matching games 
coin counting board games
use playdough for math
educational busy books
sensory bins 
Animal Walls

heck even come up with a monthly lesson plan if its your style but dont make it a huge deal dont stop play time to learn or say things like now we are going to practice letters. (at least not at first obviously as they get older they will need some specific "school work time") just do it. HEs not going to fight something He doesn't know is boring. Once hes already been doing it for a while it will be easier to introduce the more boring aspects because he is already interested in the concept.



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