So as a first time mother and generally non baby person one of my biggest fears once Connor gets here is not knowing how to do anything and I mean anything. Baby people tend to forget that a true first timer knows nothing. When I ask for info on changing diapers I mean start from which direction it goes and how do I not throw up not debate the advantages of cloth or how to make homemade wipes. So basically I stopped asking I felt retarded going um yeah can I have the preschool version of that please. No I didn't know that all strollers fold I thought it was a special feature No I wasn't aware that babies had to be sponge bathed until the umbilical cord healed and no I'm still not exactly sure how to use the sling part of my infant to toddler tub. Swaddling still confuses me and I downloaded a freaking diagram for it. so this is my list of baby basics that I have compiled to have in one place so I'm not trying to Google things mid diaper change or something. its mostly common tips for myself honestly.
Bath Time-
Breast Feeding-
Basic care- notes to self
don't forget or fear the face
when washing don't skip the face your not going to break it (just be careful to keep suds out of eyes)
use cotton balls soaked in warm water to solve gunky eyes
dont let noses get clogged up there's a reason for the snot sucker in your baby kit
Sensitive skin
skip the fragrance the lavender cucumber blend wont matter when he breaks out in hives
dry baby off trapped moisture on soft skin can cause rashes especially in the diaper zone
Trim it
Trim their nails your not going to chop off any fingers
keep it covered and pointed down
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